"Meg kell tanulnunk vágyakozni az után, ami a miénk." Simone Weil

,,Mihelyt nem kell: mindenem a tied - ez az élet vásárcsarnokának felirata." Weörös Sándor

vasárnap, szeptember 04, 2011


I don't know how to say it..

Of course it is a compliment that all of you came here.... but I still don't understand WHY.

Whether it's such a shit what I've done so far that it should check it to have a good laugh...
or whether you like some things here ???


PLEASE, someone write to me!!!!

(either here: ezustaruhaz@gmail.com or either at gothise.com ... you will find my whole name at members)

Please. :(

Thanks anyway for coming.